We have all the needed equipment for a successful underwater shooting
Red Weapon 6K with RED PL, Canon and Nikon mounts
Several battery packs, each with a maximum autonomy of 4h30RED SSD 1 TB for 1h15 non stop recording + 480 GB for 35' of recording time
Canon R5 with RF to EF mount with ND filter
Underwater housings with 100% camera's control
Several ports (domes, flat and special underwater corrected lens converter)
Underwater monitors
Ability to use several cinema lens from Arri/Zeiss, Atlas, Leica, Canon, Sigma, Tokina
Several lenses (Zeiss, Canon L, Sigma Art, Nikon, Laowa)
Several powerfull underwater lights with remote controlers and spare batteries
Underwater cables to live video feed to surface and camera/lens control
Underwater communications with divers (both ways) and with actors (on way)
Underwater tripod, fluid head, slider, skater
Large black tissue to cover pool's walls
Underwater bubble maker system
Closed circuit rebreather (to dive withou bubbles and extended time underwater)
Standard open circuit diving equipment